Click the Lead Dashboard button from the main menu. This page will let you filter by many different ways to zero in on the groups you want to market to.

Let's take a look at the interface. Your search query can be simple and quick. But at the same time you have a tremendous amount of power in crafting a complex query to find just the group you're looking for. 


(Note: there's a troubleshooting section at the bottom)

Step one, add your own club to the selection

Make sure your club is selected in the first filter box, Clubs. If you don't do this, then the search program doesn't know what set of data to search. You can have multiple clubs selected as well, if your user account is privy to more than one.


Add to your filter

For all the filters on the left of the page, simply click in the field and select from a list or type in your parameter. (See a little lower on this page for the Advanced Search options.)

If the field has a selection list (screenshot below), then you can easily make a multiple selection by repeatedly clicking on the options you want. 


For example, if you wanted to filter on both Missed Guest and No Show, you'd make the filter look like this:


Remove items from your filter

If you changed your mind and didn't want Missed Guest included in the results, click the small X to the left of the option.


Things you can search for

Here are all the criteria you can use to craft your filter.
Lead Status

Including options like Guest Pass, Lead, Pending, Member, etc.
PT Status
The PT status, including options like Needs Assessment, Booked Assessment, etc.
Membership Type
Your clubs various membership types.
Followup Lead Status
Including options like Lead, Web Lead, Referral, Appt Booked, etc.
Last Name
(self explanatory)
First Name
(self explanatory)
Email Address
(self explanatory)
Home Phone
(self explanatory)
SMS Phone
Their mobile phone on which they can receive TXTs.
 Entry Source
Where did the lead come from?
 Membership Campaign
Enter a portion of the campaign's title for this option.
 Card Expiration Date
When the person's credit card will expire.
 Created Date
When the person's record was first created in Lead Dolphin.
 Contract Date
When the lead signed up to become a member.
 Converted Date
When the agreement was converted from prospect to member.
 Effective Date
When the member can first access the club.
 Expiration Date
When the agreement expires.
 Sign Date

When the member signed an agreement.

Simple vs Expert vs Advanced Search

Do you want to find All-Except-One of something? Or search for the absence of something? You can do that with the Lead Dashboard as well! Enable the Expert or Advanced Search by clicking the link at the very top left of the search fields. Clicking this will let you select among Simple, Advanced or Expert search options.

Simple: just the facts, ma'am. Club, lead status and name are the only options to keep it fast. 

Expert: ALL the filters are at your disposal.

Advanced: All the filters as above, but in ADDITION you get operators. This means you can choose dates GREATER than a date, or ALL EXCEPT a lead status of member, for example.

For some examples of searches, jump to this page.


I'm not getting the results I'm expecting!

Make sure you've selected a club in the very first search box. Without this, the search program doesn't know what data to use. Also, double-check your selections and make sure you didn't accidentally click something unintended.

Use the Reset button at the bottom left of the screen to clear all the search criteria from the page and start over. This frequently will solve problems, and is a good habit to get into.

Another thing to try is to clear your browser's cache. You can learn how to do so here:

Try logging out and logging back into your user account in Lead Dolphin. 

If none of these things helps, click the support button on the right side of the screen and send us a ticket! Don't forget to take advantage of the screenshot feature in the support dialog box.