The UPS List, or "who's up next?" list, is the automatic system by which new leads are assigned to sales reps. The UPs list appears on the club homepage and looks like the example below. In the example Chandler is unavailable yet Ross is.


The UPs list serves up the next sales person, in round-robin fashion, based on who is available according to their schedule. Their schedule is completely customizable.
For example, if Sales Reps Chandler and Ross have both set their availability schedules for 9-5 Monday, Wednesday and Friday, then on those days, between those hours, the UPs list will bounce between them as the next available rep to be assigned to a new lead. 

How to configure your schedule
  1. Click Team Members on tool bar
  2. Click Edit Employee Profile 
  3. Click the vertical tab called Availability Schedule


  4. Click in the Time box to enter start time and then inside End Time to set the end of the shift


  5. Check the days of the week in which this time slot applies
  6. To create other time slots, click Add another availability time slot and repeat steps 4 and 5 to add as many new shift times and days as you need


  7. Be sure to click Save at the bottom of the page to save all your work


A split shift should be saved as one continuous time. Team members can change status to unavailable between shifts.

How change your availability on the UPs list

To change/toggle your status to available or unavailable, simply click the button next to your name in the UPs list on the home page. In the example below, Chandler is unavailable, and Ross is Available to be assigned to incoming new leads. 
