The following steps will help you to create an email template from scratch.

  • Choose Sonar Management from the main menu
  • Templates
  • Create a Message Template
  • Add Template Name
  • Template Name should be EMAIL-(Description including target audience)
  • Add Subject
  • Add Email Body
Merge codes and hyperlinks will transfer over from the cloned email, if you need to use additional merge codes, you can do so by copying and pasting from the merge codes at the bottom of the email body.

If copying and pasting copy into the body use <control><shift><v>. Use the font styles and font size buttons on the tool bar to

adjust fonts. 


  • To add an image, click on the picture on the tool bar and upload desired files. You can adjust the image size here as well.
  • When you select the image and determine the size, click the “lock” image next to the size.This ensures the image is properly sized.


  • To add a hyperlink, highlight the desired image click on the “link” icon on the toolbar 
  • Paste the desired link in the box and click “ok” 
  • Select your club in “Your Locations” box below, then click Save

Once you have created your email template, you then need to put it into a campaign (see Create Campaign).