This is where all information pertaining to a particular lead is contained. Below the screenshot is a description of the various sections.

The name of the lead, naturally,  is at the very top left.

A, current status

The Current Status of the lead. Possible statuses are

  1. Pending
  2. TI (telephone inquiry)
  3. Lead (the most common status)
  4. Tour
  5. Guest Pass
  6. Paid Pass
  7. Missed Guest
  8. No Show
  9. Member (their status once joining the club)
  10. Alumni (a former member)
  11. Archived Lead (a former lead, who was NOT converted to a member)

B, PT, fitness level and sales rep

  1. PT Status (personal training) describes the state of their fitness assessment or whether they are a PT client or not.
  2. The sales rep attached to the lead. Changeable only by a manager or other user with appropriate permissions.
  3. Fitness Level, with the following options: beginner, intermediate, advanced.

C, Action buttons

  1. Call button will allow you to create a scheduled call that's placed into your follow-up cadence on the Daily Agenda and in the Lead’s call folder.
  2. Appointment button will let you create an appointment.
  3. Add Referrals will open a dialog box where you can add several referrals. 

D, contact information

  1. Email address
  2. Cell, home and work phone numbers. The Cell number is clickable for quick one-off messaging.
  3. Address
  4. Birthday

E, comment section

F, ABC Financial data

This section contains the various meta data for the individual including all associated calendar dates.

G, tabs for activity and communication

  1. Activity history: Select the tab of the desired communication type to see a history of notifications that have gone out to this lead. The Calls tab has further functionality mentioned later in this article.
  2. Emails: holds a log of emails to this person. 
  3. SMS: a log of SMS messages to this person
  4. Followups: a log of followups to this person
  5. Calls: this tab lets you manage the status of scheduled calls to the lead. Here you can quickly document via the dropdown menu what happened when you called the lead. And, of course, leave a note to remind you of something pertinent in the future.
  6. Appointments: a log of appointments for this person

  7. Campaigns: a way to assign a campaign quickly to this person
  8. Relationships: shows any referrals entered on behalf of this person, or people who have referred this person.